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Ubiquiti LightBeam 5AC firmware installation challenge

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Ubiquiti LightBeam 5AC firmware installation challenge
I purchased a LiteBeam and went through the instructions on the AREDN site for the 5AC Gen 2. I -=may=- have bricked it, so I purchased another one and -=may=- have bricked that one too.  So before I take it any further I wanted to see if anything glaring stands out in my actions when installing the aredn firmware on this unit.
  1. I followed the “Ubiquiti 802.11ac First Install Process” instructions on the AREDN docs step-by-step.  My unit would not be downgraded to 8.7.0, the instructions went on to note that 8.7.4 should be used, so that is what I installed.
  2. I followed the instructions to upload the firmware, selecting the factory AREDN .bin for the unit.
  3. When the unit was available again, I was not able to connect to it via my wired ethernet port but I noticed a wireless network called something like “mesh 2” so I connected to that wireless network and was able to get to set the node name and admin password.
  4. The unit initiated a reboot and noted that the address would be after the reboot.
  5. The “mesh 2” wifi network disappeared during the reboot.
 To this point everything seemed to run as expected. But after the reboot I am not able to connect to the node. My laptop doesn’t get a DHCP address, I’ve tried to hard-code an address in, I’ve tried choosing an address in the 10.48.11 that the aredn software said would be used after reboot, and I’ve used pktmon on windows to dump packets from the ethernet device and do not see any traffic other than my laptop. And the reset buttons on the dish and on the PoE unit don’t seem to be working.

Maybe use the serial port to debug/configure
I can't test anything for you right now since I don't have that radio.  However I'm bidding on some and eventually I'll have one or more and this topic will be important to me.

If I were in your position (and I may be soon ;) I would crack open the case and connect to the serial port on the board inside.  This will give you a serial console on the radio and let you poke around.  OpenWRT has information on this radio and general info on using the serial port on radios.

I suspect that AREDN may be flashed OK on your radio, but the network interfaces not configured correctly.  If you're not in a hurry, I may have be able to offer some help when I acquire such radios.
Very Similar Issues with LightBeam 5AC Gen2

I was able to run thru the setup and face a similar issue with UI LightBeam 5AC Gen2. I also was not able to connect to but based on the post above saw  the Mesh2** wifi network and setup the node. After reboot cannot connect. So looks like the network interfaces are not configured on this new radio. 

My goal was to connect this to a Microtik HAP3, I guess that is not possible now? 

Will reengage when my new units arrive
Ubiquiti was generous enough to replace my inaccessible units, they will ship once more inventory arrives. I'll pick this back up at that time.

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