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Ubiquiti Airrouter vs Ubiquiti Airrouter HP

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KA7HAK's picture
Ubiquiti Airrouter vs Ubiquiti Airrouter HP

 I ended up with a Ubiquiti Airrouter and not Ubiquiti Airrouter HP due to an error on the JET dot COM web site. As far as I can tell the HP has the external antenna and the plain Ubiquiti Airrouter uses an internal antenna. Are there any other differences in regards to the AREDN firmware?
K5DLQ's picture
nope major differences (other
nope major differences (other than the power/antenna that mention).
The non-HP version will be fully supported in the next beta.

KA7HAK's picture
Thanks. I installed AREDN- But no access to the part 97 channels and the SSID is appended differently.

K5DLQ's picture
(right.  In beta2, that will
(right.  In beta2, that will change)  coming to a download site near you soon.
k1ky's picture
AR: 19dBm 79mw output (AR) vs. HP: 28dBm 600 mw output
AR: has an external power wall-wart (5V) vs. HP: uses the standard POE 24v .5a injector
AR:  Internal integrated antenna - HP: external antenna with reverse SMA connector

Internal memory appears to be the same
Both have a USB port

Slight difference in AREDN firmware 2016 b01 install results:  AR model has 14 frequencies 2.412 - 2.484 listed without Channel numbers (1-14), no -1 or -2 support at present, where the HP shows channel numbers -2 to 11.

Tunnel client seems to work on both models

K6AH's picture
The channel -1 and -2
The channel -1 and -2 selection will be fixed when the is incorporated in the next beta.

KA7HAK's picture
Thanks for the info
I guess I'll wait until the new beta. BTW We've had some amazing results here (Yakima Valley) using bullets and omni antennas on 2397 with 3.15.1, very little noise.


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