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Tunnels to Tennessee

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k1ky's picture
Tunnels to Tennessee
I would like to welcome the KE2N MESH System in Virginia to our system via tunnel.  This is a great way to test interoperability and the limits of an expanded sytem. 

We are also working with Kent AL5T in Anchorage Alaska in the formation of their system. We set up his system via desktop remote in one evening and had 6+ nodes connected up and tunneled into us.  It's pretty cool seeing all of those "DX" stations on our node list!  We were also successful in exchanging picture files through one of our Winlink Post Office stations at a remote site in Middle Tennessee all the way to Anchorage.

Interesting to note that if you are connected to a system via tunnel and you click on the node link on the AREDN map, it will take your browser to that station's web interface!  Pretty cool! 

2 new east TN stations added this week thanks to K1KY
Thanks to Tom, K1KY for getting us onto the system.
W4DOD in Dandridge and AJ4NO in Knoxville.
This is ham radio "best practices"  in action.
k1ky's picture
More stations in Tennessee
We would also like to welcome David N3VUH - Murfreesboro and Dennis N4ZKR in Paris (TN) to the Southmesh system added this week.
K4PWO Murfreesboro is online and will be assisting as an additional Tunnel server.

Our Green Hills hub is operational as of a few weeks ago with 2.4 and 5Ghz nodes as well as a 2.4Ghz presence at the TEMA Commo shop.  Look for more installs at TEMA HQ soon!

The Nashville Midtown Medcomm RMCC5 node installations are scheduled for tomorrow (Saturday).
All MeshChat issues have been resolved with exception of setting up the Zones, but the Channel filters work just fine, so please feel free to utilize the TN-Auxcomm and NWS-OHX Channels.

All of the new stations are "On The Map"!

Thanks to all the great work put in by our MTEARS/Southmesh/AREDN Team!

Tom - K1KY - MTEARS/SOUTHMESH Operations Coordinator

kd4kso's picture
Starting up in Montgomery County
Tom I was in Lebanon for your presentation. Thank you for being there I am interested in getting something set up. I ordered an air router and should have it Saturday. I was wondering if there is a time you have more in depth presentations or classes for those wanting to get started. I am in northwest Montgomery county am about to put up a 70 foot commercial self supporting tower. I would like to know more about what I should set up in my area.
k1ky's picture
I have a recorded session that should be helpful - here is the link:
It is over 3.5 hours long - so block off some time or you can view it in chuncks...
Let me know when you get your AirRouter and I'll be glad to assist.  There is a method on this system that you can contact me direct - or just email me at my callsign
kd4kso's picture
Thank You I will contact you
Thank You I will contact you
kd4kso's picture
Did you receive my e-mail? I
Did you receive my e-mail? I need help getting the tunnel setup?

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