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ToughSwitch POE

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ToughSwitch POE
I currently have a Rocket M2 XM and Nanostation M2 powered by a ToughSwitch 5 port. Using Ubiquiti cable, I have a 45' run to the Rocket and a 20' run to the Nano. I went to the site today to deploy a Rocket M5 XW on a 120 degree sector. This configuration of nodes had all been bench tested and worked. At deployment, all three nodes powered up however the following occurred:
  • With the Rocket in port 1 it connected with all neighbor RF links and showed the IP addresses of the two dtd, M5 and NanoStation with 100% LQ and 0 NLQ The RF link from the Nanostation to a near neighbor, 400', worked. 
  • With the M5 Rocket powered by port 1, with about 100' Ubiquiti Toughcable, the M5 worked and the M2 Rocket and Nanostation showed as DtD but the M2 Rocket failed to communicate via RF to direct neighbors at 2 miles. Nanostation link, 400' worked.
  • Eliminating the M5 Rocket, the other two work fine.

I am suspecting the problem is lack of power to the node at 100' cable length however seem to recall threads where guys have deployed up towers with the switch being in the shack. Is the I read that the 5 port ToughSwitch is rated at 11 Watts per port so should meet the demand of 8 watts for the M5. Has anyone run into cable length issues? Would the 8 port Pro be sufficient? My goal is to eliminate the multitude of POE devices and have sufficient power for at least three Rockets at this site.

WU2S's picture
8 port ToughSwitch and 802.3af adapter
You might consider using the 8 port Toughswitch with the POE ports set to 48V and having an Instant 802.3af adapter at the top end to convert back to 18V at 0.7A to power the nodes.
K5DLQ has deployed a node up around 450 feet if I recall correctly, but I don't know what is powering that equipment.
I have been considering
i have been considering the 8 port pro as it does have a higher wattage rating per port as well as the additional amperage on its power supply. Before dropping $160.00 I wanted to get the feedback from others who have deployed. I am suspecting that two rockets and the Nanostation with total cable length may be taxing the switch power supply when the nodes are trying to drive the RF side. Even though the combined load is less than the total rating of the switch.
K6AH's picture
Connector termination

Did you check your RJ45 connector terminations with a cable tester?  It could be a poorly connected power wire.  I have no trouble with the ToughSwitch 5-port at 100', even 150'.

Andre, K6AH

Yep, checked that

Yes, I did check the cables with a tester with everything testing okay. I have not tried a voltage drop or pin to pin resistance test with a multimeter however as I accepted the test from my cable tester. The simple voltage test on the cable tester does show that voltage is present. 

How many devices and what type are you hanging on your switch? Have you ever run into a situation where you have approached or exceeded the power capacity of the five port switch

K6AH's picture
I have 3 Rockets and a

I have 3 Rockets and a Raspberry Pi being powered off the Toughswitch.  I have never suspected the Toughswitch was unable to supply the needed power.

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