Tonight Robin was able to help me through the whole process of an install on an RPI3 - this the first how to I have seen.
Installing OpenCAD / Open ICSE on a Raspberry PI3.
Download location:
Preparing the pi:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install mariadb-server mariadb-client -y
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin -y
If you don’t have apache or php installed yet, follow these instructions
sudo mkdir /var/www/html/ticketscad
cd Downloads
sudo mv /var/www/html/ticketscad
cd /var/www/html/ticketscad
sudo unzip
sudo mysql -u root -p
create database ticketscad;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ticketscad.* TO 'ticketscad'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'replace with prefered password' WITH GRANT OPTION; *single line
In the browser open http://localhost/ticketscad and click on the install.php link. Follow the instructions, and hopefully you will get to a page where you need to enter the database info.
Host would be localhost, and username ticketscad, and password the one you set up above in the GRANT ALL statement.
For later reference if needed:
User: phpmyadmin
Pass: raspberry
Tickets users created
admin / admin
guest / guest
## Collaboration between Robin Pringle ZL2RCL & Wade Smith VK1MIC
Wade, I understand your concern, but one thing to keep in mind is that your forum post has become part of the AREDN "permanent record" so people for years to come can refer to the important work you've documented. A lower than expected number of immediate comments doesn't mean your post isn't important. For years to come people can refer to your how-to and receive benefit. Everyone thanks you guys for the work you put into this effort for the benefit of the entire community. Much appreciated!
I am trying to install ticketsCAD on a Rpi3B+ following your guidelines and have a problem:
Doing http://localhost/ticketscad I am getting:
Index of /ticketscad
Then clicking on "tickets-3.40.3" Ithe system answer:
This appears to be a new Tickets installation; file '' absent. Please run install.php with valid database configuration information.
Running "install.php" the answer is:
Installing 2.20 A base beta
ERROR! Directory './incs' is not writable. 'Write' permissions must be corrected for installation.
I thank you in advance for help and look forward to a repluy at your earliest convenience
73 Leo, I3RKE/AC2OG