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Telegram or

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Telegram or
Is there an AREDN discussion group on either one of those two sites. I just am not a FB person. We have growing activity here in Oklahoma, and there are several of us who just would prefer to avoid FB.
k1ky's picture
Telegram or
In Tennessee, we use Slack for our local system.  We also have a group in East TN that has set up a Telegram group to manage information for their users.  We have also used for other things, but I prefer Slack or Telegram as they are both easy access from mobile devices and instant notification.  Another group in California uses Mattermost which also works well.
w6bi's picture
Discord, also
While it's not real active, there's also an AREDN group on Discord
OK DMR & Digital
Here in Oklahoma we have a telegram group OK DMR & Digital, where we deal with local questions regarding digital in general, I was kind of hoping that there would be a something for AREDN that was more of a world wide group. I just do not care for FB. Honestly every time I go on there I see a marked increase in SPAM and other garbage. So I just avoid it. Of course if there are folks interested we can always start one. I know that regarding FB I am not alone. 

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