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Supporting Served Agency BYOD Fax machines or analog phones

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WL7COO's picture
Supporting Served Agency BYOD Fax machines or analog phones

Are Analog Telephone Adapters in common use for supporting Served Agency BYOD faxes and telephones ?  
If so,  how many RF hops away will this be reliable?  
i.e. what are the maximum ETX and minimum TxMbps numbers needed for reliable service?

As always TIA & 73,
...dan wl7coo

AE6XE's picture
Dan,  ATAs are in use across
Dan,  ATAs are in use across the mesh.  Many of us have these in VOIP go-kits.   Unfortunately, ETX is not a a very good measure of the usability from end to end.   There can be an ETX of 10 with 10 hops (100% LQ/NLQ each hop) that works very well.  On the other hand, there could be an ETX of 10 with 5 hops that won't work at all.     In the future when we upgrade or replace OLSR, I have hope that there will be a good measure.    The key will be to ensure the backbone or primary paths of your local network are solidly engineered.

In terms of TxMbps, voice data is generally only 64kb or less.   It's not typically a bandwidth issue, rather a latency and competition with other traffic on the network issue.

Dan My PBX which will be up
Dan My PBX which will be up on the net has Fax receive and will be linked with ART's PBX so I beleive we have this covered

Rich W6ABJ

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