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Supported Platform Matrix

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Supported Platform Matrix

Is the Supported Platform Matrix on the website up to date for the models that are available and supported? 

How do I tell if a router is XM or XW when buying one?  Also do international editions have both XM or XW or just one of them?   

Has anyone tested the Chinese Routers made by KuWfi and others that can be acquired for about $50 US or less.



K5DLQ's picture
1) If you are buying new, a
1) If you are buying new, a Rocket M5, NanoStation M5, Nanostation Loco M5, NanoBeam M5, PowerBeam, will (with almost 100% certainty) be an XW model.
There is typically nothing on the box that indicates it (other than perhaps the mfg date).  Most of the XW models can be used with our nightly build images.

2) The KuWiFi devices do not use a supported chipset (Atheros).
Our system is on 2.4 ghz and
Our system is on 2.4 ghz and in the chart the XW is not supported.  
XW only impacted the 5GHz
XW only impacted the 5GHz devices (none of the currently supported 2.4GHz models come in an XW format to our knowledge) so if you are 2.4GHz and you use supported devices you shouldn't need to worry about receiving XW devices.

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