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Support of Ubiquiti PowerBeam 5AC-ISO-Gen2

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HB9HHH's picture
Support of Ubiquiti PowerBeam 5AC-ISO-Gen2
Hello !
I've bought a Ubiquiti PowerBeam 5AC-ISO-Gen2 M400, thinking the radio was the same as other PB, but I'm unable to flash it :-(

I've tryied several firmware, including this one:

Ubiquiti PowerBeam 5AC Gen2
Version (r23809-234f1a2efa)
2024-06-28 17:28:34

Is this model not supported ?
nc8q's picture
Support of Ubiquiti PowerBeam 5AC-ISO-Gen2

This device is not mentioned in the openwrt table of hardware.
If a device is not supported by openwrt, it cannot be supported by AREDN.
This device has a different CPU and different WLAN hardware than the supported
PowerBeam 5AC 500 and PowerBeam 5AC 500 ISO.
Perhaps you can return or exchange for a compatible device.

73, Chuck
HB9HHH's picture
Thank you Chuck for the reply
Thank you Chuck for the reply.
HB9HHH's picture
Exchange of the radio part
Do you think I can put the radio element of a PBE M5 in replacement of the original radio of the 5AC-ISO-Gen2 400 ? (this antenna is for the replacement of a PBE M5-300, to get a better gain)
nc8q's picture
Exchange of the radio part and/or antenna part
If the antenna part of a PBE M5 300 is constructed to properly illuminate the area of the 300mm dish.
If you were to put a radio/antenna intended to illuminate a 300mm dish on a 400/500/620mm dish,
it may only illuminate the center of the dish...thus no additional antenna gain.
If you were to put a radio/antenna intended to illuminate a 620mm dish,
the pattern may spill over the edges of a 300/400/500mm dish...reducing effective antenna gain.
Please test and report your findings.
73, Chuck

HB9HHH's picture
Exchange of the radio part
The inscription on the radio element of the PBE M5 actually includes "300", the diameter of the dish (for the 5AC there is no indication of diameter, the radio seems generic).

I requested a return from the supplier.

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