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Supernode tunnel request

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Supernode tunnel request
Anychance our group could get access to a supernode so i can explore and teach them what this can provide.  WE are a group out of Central IL. 

w6bi's picture
Supernode tunnel
I can set you up.  Send me your supernode name

Orv W6BI

nc8q's picture
There are 2 supernodes in Chicago

only tunnel with other supernodes and
only DtD connect to a local regular node.

If you have configured a node to be a supernode, then you can accept Orv W6BI's offer.

Locally, KV3T in Chicago runs a supernode and seems to sponsor several regular node tunnels.
Perhaps drop him an email and ask for a (wireguard/legacy) tunnel to a regular node in the Chicago network.

73, Chuck

Image Attachments: 
Thanks,  I dropped them a
Thanks,  I dropped them a line.  Much appreciated.   Now trying ot figure out how to use the 44 addresses for a node that I would like to get public up address to.   

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