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Supernode: Radio setting

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nc8q's picture
Supernode: Radio setting
May the radio of a supernode function as a 'LAN Hotspot'?

The documentation mentions that the radio should not be enabled as a 'MESH radio'.
"3. Ensure that the Mesh radio is off"
"Things to Avoid
Here are several things NOT to do when configuring your Supernode.
    Your Supernode must not use any cross-links (xlinks) to other nodes.
    Your Supernode must not have tunnel links to any non-Supernode devices.
    Your Supernode must not have its Mesh radio interface enabled."

May the radio of a supernode function as a 'LAN Hotspot'?

73, Chuck
Supernodes do one thing only
The sole purpose of a Supernode is to do one thing and one thing only.  It functions as a dedicated, purpose-built device on the Worldwide AREDN network, serving to isolate local nodes from Supernode traffic while giving local nodes a gateway to the worldwide network.  That is all a Supernode should do.  Its radios should be disabled, freeing all of its resources to focus on its purpose as a member of the Supernode network.
nc8q's picture
Supernodes do one thing only
Hi, Steve:

I was having difficulty linking with a new Supernode in the adjacent county.
As it turned was a 'PICNIC' error.

3s, Chuck
(Problem In Chair, Not In Computer)

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