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Strange message "Content Filter" on the node

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Strange message "Content Filter" on the node
Hi folks

since today, we have following message on two newly deployed nodes - anybody could tell us what that means and what we have to do to get rid of it?


K5DLQ's picture
your upstream WAN was a
your upstream WAN was a content filtering firewall apparently.
OK, but now I'm even more
OK, but now I'm even more confused. The message header sais "AREDN Messages" - I thought that's the type of messages sent from the AREDN system, similar to the "new firmware available" messages? How could an external firewall create such messages?
nc8q's picture
How could an external firewall create such messages?
Hi, Kurt

Because your firewall is between your node and your internet access.
Your firewall sees all IP packets going to and from the internet.

73, Chuck

Hi Chuck,
Hi Chuck,

so can we consider this as "undocumented feature"...?  Network problems are displayed as "AREDN Message"?
How it works is the node does a simple http request from the AREDN website every so often. If a filtering firewall is in the way, it may replace the text the website returns (or even a blank reply) with the message you saw. The node just displays whatever it gets in reply.
K5DLQ's picture
exactly right.
exactly right.
AA7AU's picture
Turn off phone home?

I have looked in the advanced settings and can not find a toggle/switch/setting to turn OFF this phone-home AREDN http request when a WAN is present. Is there such an option somewhere?  Thanks.

I don't need an explanation or discussion on why this might be a good feature or not, just would like to have the option to turn it off.


- Don /AA7AU

You can set "Alert Message Local URL" to some http://bogus value.
AA7AU's picture
Not local but external!

I can control the local alert system (which is a very nice feature) so I'm not interested in bogus URLs there.

What I was asking about was the automatic always-on AREDN "phone-home" connection routine which might be apparently hard-coded in the firmware now:
"Alert Message Refresh
    The AREDN® development team may post messages which Internet-connected nodes can automatically download."
I'm not asking about refreshing them or purging them but about telling the node *not* to attempt to phone-home when that is not mission-critical on our mesh island (obscure WAN issues here).

- Don / AA7AU

Not sure
Not sure if setting a local one also disables the "phone-home" query. I thought it did. Perhaps a dev could chime in.
K5DLQ's picture
there is no advanced config
there is no advanced config setting that will disable the AREDN Alert Messages. 
Now it's clear, thanks a lot
Now it's clear, thanks a lot !

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