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[SOLVED] MikroTik SXTsqG-5acD will not see DTD connection

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[SOLVED] MikroTik SXTsqG-5acD will not see DTD connection
    While supporting the NYC Marathon on miles 15.5 through mile 17, I deploy 8 AREDN nodes every year to send video streams to both race control and to One Police Plaza.  This year I ran into a hiccup.  While upgrading all the nodes from their Nightly builds to the 3.24.10 release, I bricked a MikroTik SXTsq5HPnD by forcing the wrong firmware onto it using WinSCP & SSH.  (I later discovered that I had two identically named directories, and chose the wrong one; so ends my days as a firmware version hoarder).
    Anyways, I replaced the bricked dish with a MikroTik SXTsqG-5acD, and everything went as expected installing 3.24.10 - with the exception that the only way I can access this local node is by RF back from another node.  I've verified physical connectivity to port 5 of a MikroTik hAP ac lite, and 2 different MikroTik hAP ac2s.  Nothing has been added or changed regarding the default VLAN configurations.  I know DTD traffic is on VLAN2.  I've used different patch cables, and when on port 5 of the hAP ac lite, tried both using the pass-through PoE and 2 different PoE injectors, and used those PoE injectors while connected to port 5 on the hAP ac2s.
I've blown away the configuration an reinstalled twice now. 
    I don't know what I'm doing wrong.  I've searched these forums and on Reddit, but I only found one similar, unanswered problem.  While everything points to a VLAN issue to me, I'm stuck.  I'd like a second pair of eyes.  In the SXTsqG5-acD screenshot, I can see the node I'm directly attached to under Local Nodes, but mousing over it indicates "Link status: idle".  I have aphasia, so cut me a little slack if the answer is obvious.


If it isn't broke, don't fix it.
Issue solved by applying Nightly Build 20241003-1505d61.  I assume it was fixed specifically by #407, DtD detection fixes.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it; but being an engineer in a former life, that isn't my style - I have to constantly fix things until they are broke. laughcrying

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