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[SOLVED] M900 (?) or M9?

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[SOLVED] M900 (?) or M9?
I was given a pair of 900 mHz rockets and yagis that were previously flashed AREDN. I connected them to my hAP and temp turned on WAN so they could download the correct FW (I chose the nightly build). All went smoothly and I can get to all the usual webpages, etc from the LAN. HOWEVER, after flashing both rockets show power LED, ethernet LED (as applicable) and solid RED  LED but neither radio sees the other (they're about 10 ft apart and I turned the power down "just in case". WiFi scan shows nothing either

The radio labels show the model as an M900 but the FW shows Ubiquiti Rocket M9. The hardware type is displayed as "(ath79/generic) ubnt (rocket-m)"

[SOLVED] Downgraded to on both then re-upgraded to nightly build again and everything came alive. I'm not sure why but all is good now
A little more information
A little more information that may help with this

The firmware version that was installed and working before I upgraded to the latest nightly build was reported as 2451-6aee2e1

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