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Software Repositories?

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Software Repositories?
I was wondering if we have done anything to mirror software repositories that we may need in the event that our normal communications goes down.  I was thinking about Debian repositories and raspberry Pi repositories specifically.  It would suck to be stuck without those things while trying to help other hams get online with gear or fix things with no internet.  Just a thought.

-Chris KQ6UP
nc8q's picture

Hi, Chris:

I don't know about 'we', but 'I' used to keep all the binaries.
Now, I just keep the ones I use.

73, Chuck

Image Attachments: 
Yes, the AREDN stuff is good,
Yes, the AREDN stuff is good, but I am thinking of stuff to do packet and to get NTS traffic out to the "stix".  I am just out of range of the closest node.  I am a packet/Linux/HF guy, but I like the broadband access of AREDN where it is accessible.  Being able to get other stations up with a disk image after the grid down situation arises if it ends up being a prolonged situation.  This may be the only "internet" that is around.

-Chris KQ6UP

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