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Snow Peak

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Snow Peak

We have 50% of the Snow Peak installation live as of this afternoon. Snow Peak is located in the San Bernardino Mountains just below Little San G ahd has a phenomenal line of site down both sides of Mt. San Jancinto. Today the link to Redlands was brought up making Snow visiable to the entire So Cal Mesh. The southwest facing 120 degree sector is on channel 172 at 10Mhz providing coverage to Beaumont, Banning, Cherry Valley and many other areas west of Mount San Jancinto. It currently has a heading of approximately 210 degrees. coverage plots will be published once I return to install the east facing nodes and adjust the final coordinates.

The return trip will install a 5.8 sector covering Palm Springs and the Cochella Valley as well as a 3.4 dish to Indio Hill.


Keith AI6BX

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