I flashed my new hap ac3 first with several nightly builds, and now with the official release. I always encounter the same problem:
In setup, I get this error while saving:
I flashed my new hap ac3 first with several nightly builds, and now with the official release. I always encounter the same problem:
In setup, I get this error while saving:
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Some steps I took:
It might be noteworthy that I had to do the initial flash of the AREDN firmware from RouterOS 7.6 because I wasn't able to find an image to downgrade to 6.x as suggested. I did not run into the boot loop described as the potential issue though so I think that's fine?
Orv W6BI
Best, Ed
I am running RF just fine on my hAPac3 on 2.4 GHz - NOT the minus channels which did not work a few months ago.
I know there are AC3 models that do work and it's a stable/supported platform for AREDN but I happened to get a device that doesn't work and there are other documented cases (such as HB9BLA who wrote the original post).
73, Martin
We also have one user with a new AC3 that doesn't seem to "see" the wireless interfaces. Using the latest 0722 Nightly firmware (loaded and reloaded several times) - no difference. We do have other users units that are working perfectly. There is obviously some sort of difference between these units but haven't been able to put our fingers on it just yet. Support file was submitted and it was confirmed that the Wireless interface modules were not loading for some reason.
Admin page shows:
Current Version: Hardware Type: (ipq40xx/mikrotik) mikrotik (hap-ac3)
Have done the following via the webgui:
Reset to first boot
Reset values
Default values
Flashing the router again with sysupgrade file via AREDN webgui and remove the 'keep existing config settings'
Support Data file downloaded as .gz (not .tgz) - I renamed the extension so I could upload it.
Not sure what I did but tried reverting back to RouterOS via Netinstall - no luck
Flashed rb.elf (AREDN) via PXE server and noticed in the basic settings area the settings looked good
Flashed (via AREDN interface) f/w verion 20231018-d6f6c4b and LAN access and the mesh sections have the enable/disable checks..
Like I mentioned - not sure what it was that gave me access to the LAN Access and disabling the Mesh.
Again- support document downloaded as a .gz - it's been renamed to .tgz so I can upload here
I was able to load AREDN firmware on my ac3 using the TFTP method.
I am running firmware version 20231018-d6f6c4b .
73, Chuck