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Setting New Password Results in Blank Settings Page

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Setting New Password Results in Blank Settings Page

New user, so I may have overlooked something.  
Have 2 each, new MikroTik RouterBOARD 952Ui-5ac2nD (hAP ac lite) and two laptops running Windows 10 both with latest updates
Flashed routers with and later with 20230815-8ce7c0b    
I don't see other versions to try.
AREDN seems to work using default user & password.  When I set a new password, reboot, and try to enter Setup, I get a blank page with a zero in the upper left.  The  password is correct because I see a browser request to save the password.  Both systems give the same results; this is repeatable.
What might I have missed?
Thanks, Joe, W7LUX


I'm trying to understand
I'm trying to understand precisely what you say happened.  Some comments are below which may or may not be helpful ... but you never know ...

AREDN seems to work using default user & password.

This sounds like you got to NOCALL (first step of firmware install).  The next step is to apply the sysupgrade file after using the default password.  Then the machine reboots and comes back asking you to a) change password and b) change node name.  Do nothing else at this point, or it will not work.  Then it reboots again then you login with your new password and can continue with other setup.

You don't actually mention in your post renaming your node during setup.  I have never done the initial password change without also renaming the node.  I don't know if you missed that step or if it is actually necessary.  Don't forget the IP address changes after you change your password and node name, you must go to dhcp at that point and make sure your network card has reset.  And remember, sometimes you just have to try several times before it works.


Setting New Password Results in Blank Settings Page
I just lost my entire text reply.

Multiple attempts to get the router operating result in reaching the point where I change the name and password, as you suggested do nothing else, save, and then attempt to access Setting. Most recently, it took at least 5 attempts before AREDN recognized my password, and then I got the blank page with a single zero.

To answer your question about: "AREDN seems to work using default user & password": after getting all those blank Setting pages, I fooled around and somehow got AREDN working (what I think is properly) with my node name and the root password.  This gave me access to Settings, but it is not secure

A computer generated password did not work either.

I am out of ideas.


K6CCC's picture

This gave me access to Settings, but it is not secure

Correct.  The AREDN web GUI is totally non-secured.

A computer generated password did not work either.

If what you mean by that is a cryptic garbage password, that is also somewhat correct.  I don't know exactly what the password limits are, but I have also seen long cryptic garbage passwords not being accepted.  I don't know if it's length or certain characters that are not accepted (never tried to figure it out).  I suspect that you are like me in using a password manager, so almost all of my non-AREDN passwords are long and complicated.


From the online AREDN docs:

Set a new administration password for the node. Typically passwords may contain the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, dash, underscore, exclamation, and tilde. Avoid linux-reserved characters, including but not limited to #, $, &, *, <, >. Enter your new password again in the Retype Password box to verify it is correct. You can click the eye icon at the right of the password fields to toggle between hidden and visible text. The first time a node is configured it will require you to change the password. Be sure to remember or record the new password so you can use it for any future administrative tasks on the node.

What user name should I use?  I have been using my node name, W7LUX-10, but that will not work with any password I have tried, including one generated by AREDN.
You do not get to choose a
You do not get to choose a user name. 

You do chose a NODE name which is the name your device advertises itself as on the mesh.  User name is ALWAYS root, do not attempt to change your user name.  You do choose a new PASSWORD for admin access to your device.

Everyone on the mesh has access to your node.  They do not however have admin access to change settings without your password.

Remember, this is not internet.  It is an ad hoc emergency data network, and is designed so anyone in an emergency can join, see your node, and connect to it.  How you lock down the resources on a connected server is another matter.

User Name
I did not understand the user name is root; I had not seen that before.  I should be able to make this work now.
Thanks to all who helped!

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