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Selecting among cameras

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Selecting among cameras
Using Windows XP.   There is a web cam on the mesh that works OK.  There is a built-in camera in the PC.  Is there any way to select which camera does what?
Can the built-in camera be used on the mesh?  Can the web cam be used for video conferencing with Linphone, for example?


AE6XE's picture
Can the built-in camera be
Can the built-in camera be used on the mesh?
Yes, but only through a program you have installed on the laptop/computer. The 'built-in" camera is typically attached by the USB (internal or external) port.  It does not have its own network IP address.   Linphone is a common application to do video VOIP calls.  Any program that can do point-to-point calls (does not rely on another internet server) can be used.    You can turn your computer and it's built in camera into an WebCam by finding and installing a program that does this, e.g. Windows ipCam Pro.

Can the web cam be used for video conferencing with Linphone?
Generally, 'no'.  The webcam is a device directly attached to the mesh network with its own IP address.  you access this device over the mesh network using 2 methods:
1) a browser (IE, chrome, firefox, mosila ) and type in the network name/IP address manually to control the remote cam to look around
2) a Program installed on your computer that let's you connect over the network and see the remote webcam's video stream -- look for programs that do "rtsp" - Real Time Stream Protocol.  


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