This is probably a dumb question, but bear with me.
If I don't know the channel numbers and SSIDs of the nodes within range of my node, would the wifi scan reveal that information?
---mark, KM6ZPO
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Hi, Mark:
In the release, the Wi-Fi Scan columns can be sorted by clicking on the header.
To group the AREDN nodes I click 'Sig', 'Chan', 'SSID'.
All the default AREDN nodes will be grouped together, by channel, then signal strength.
All AREDN nodes will have '-##-v3' appended to the SSID. '##' = bandwidth; 5, 10, 20.
The SSID can be edited, but the nodes with SSIDs ending in '-##-v3' will likely be the AREDN nodes.
Our local group altered the SSIDs on 2397 MHz nodes to inhibit routing on that channel and
'force' them to use DtD'ed nodes on other bands.