I am getting ready to set up a node,the question i have is when i install the second router AirRouter HP,do i connect it to my existing router or do i use a pig tail and put it on it's own?
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AREDN-AirRouter to another AREDN device: The AirRouter has 1 of the ports defined as a "DtDlink" port. It is only configured to connect other AREDN nodes to this port (not laptops, etc.). Trying to remember, think this is the LAN 4 port, but spelled out in docs. So if you have a NanoBridge, NanoStation, etc, after going through the POE brick, plug this into LAN 4 port of the AirRouter. if 2 AirRouters, then use a cat5 directly between port 4 on both devices.
AirRouter to home network or internet: The AirRouter has a labeled 'WAN' port. plug this into your home network (assuming you want this access, some don't).
Thanks for quick reply,i currently have a Netgear router for my home,was going to install Airrouter HP for node,was going to plug it in in back of cable modem with an ether net splitter.Home router on one connection Air Router on the other?I s this doable?
If your cable modem has one physical port to plug devices into, then generally it will only give you one IP address. This would be for the netgear router. Then all other devices, including the AirRouter would plug into the netgear.
If your cable modem has many physical ports and antennas, then it has essentially the netgear built in (and you don't necessarily need the netgear router). But you might have a netgear hub that only extends the port count. If this is the case, you could plug the AirRouter into the negear or directly into the cable modem. But configuration will be simplified if you plug directly into the cable modem (to setup ony 1 port forwards for a tunnel server connection instead of 2).