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Rocket R5AC no network?

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Rocket R5AC no network?
I bought a used Rocket R5AC-lite. I got the firmware flashed in the typical fashion with no issues. However it now does not DtD link with other nodes!
I have these devices, all have current firmware
  • Mikrotik RB750UPr2 setup with a simple bridge on all ports. no filtering, NAT, vlan, nothing.
  • Mikrotik hAP Ac lite
  • GL.iNet GL-AR750
  • the Rocket R5AC-lite in question
  • The hAP and AR750 have DtD linked to each other, but neither one can "see" the R5AC. 
  • The R5AC connects via RF to other nodes I have, so I can reach it that way
I can run Torch on the router, to watch traffic on port 5 (to/from the R5AC). there isn't much, but occasionally something pops in. How often and what should I expect to see from the R5AC?
Nevermind. I don't know what happened. I loaded the nightly build, then went back to FW and now it's connecting to the other nodes as expected. 

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