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Rocket Antenna Port Questions

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Rocket Antenna Port Questions

Hello everyone,

I have done a fair amount of experimenting with the Bullet M5 devices over the past couple years and I am getting ready to work with a Rocket M9 using a single omni-directional antenna. Unlike the Bullets, the Rocket has two antenna ports. 

If I am only going to use one of them, should I do anything with the other one? 

Should I be using one rather than the other?

Is there a configuration setting somewhere that I need to pay attention to?

Bob, KO2F

It is recommended to cap the
It is recommended to cap the spare port with an rp-sma dummy load/terminator.
kg9dw's picture
Bob, please reconsider a choice of not using MIMO. Do a search on this forum and you'll see some of the reasons why using both ports and allowing both radio chains to work is a very good thing. 
Is there an omnidirectional MIMO solution?
I agree, but the problem is in finding a omnidorectional MIMO antenna for 900 MHz.   

I can't afford to deploy a 3 or 4 sector solution at 10 to 12 times the cost.

Bob, KO2F
kg9dw's picture
Ah, I see.
Ah, I see.

Why 900MHz then? Maybe that's the bigger question. 
AE6XE's picture
There are several posts on

There are several posts on the ubiquiti forums on when will there be and why not a MIMO 900Mhz omni.   It was suggested in one post that such an antenna would be problematic receiving too much noise.  Maybe this is why no one manufactures them, won't work very effectively and they won't sell too many?  There's got to be a reason why there aren't any out there... Too big?  Too noisy?   ???

Note, using one antenna port/chain on the Rocket means half power or -3dBm the settings in the AREDN firmware.  


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