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RFI from a M900 900MHz node into computer speakers

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RFI from a M900 900MHz node into computer speakers
Just a quick mention that I found and fixed some RFI from a 900MHz Ubiquiti node getting into an amplified computer speaker system located about 1 meter away from it.  Sounded like a buzzing "digital" noise, as that is want it was...   Seems the node makes short bursts of transmissions as it looks for neighbors.  Ferrite cores on the speaker leads didn't do that much, moving the node some did.  I could see the directivity of the M900 as I rotated it (the buzz would get louder and fainter).  Noise is gone as I have the speakers located in the node's null. 
Reminds me of AT&T cell
Reminds me of AT&T cell phones, they did this.

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