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RF Elements vs. Ubiquiti sectors

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RF Elements vs. Ubiquiti sectors

For a couple Rocket M5's going on a very exposed tower high up in the elements and very hard to access for repairs.

1. Original plans, total $160

2.Total $233

3. Total $271

4.Total $160

The first clearly leaves the antenna itself exposed, and also doesn't isolate between the two sectors.  The second solution is partially ruggedized, not isolated.  The third solution is fully ruggedized (Rocket-to-antenna connection is not exposed at all) and isolated, but lower 4dbi less gain.  The fourth is cheapest, partially ruggedized, claims to be better balanced H & V, and has "BackShield" to isolate between the two sectors.  I'm not seeing a reason not to go the the forth and seems like a clear winner.


I really want the best coverage due east, but would like cover of the 2 towns north and 2 towns south.  I'm not sure how or if I can overlap two 90s but still get the best coverage to the east - is this good/bad?  Or, should I go with three of option #2 set at 60 degrees, with the center sector set due east, and the other two covering/overlapping a bit with one set north of center and one set south of center?

WL7COO's picture
Hi Jason: Good question and I await whatever responses this

elicits from those with experience.

It will be Sunday or Monday till I can locate and print the data sheets for the referenced Antenna.

Void of any first hand knowledge or academic information speaking to the issue, overlapping sector antenna beams feels like a complicating and possibly undesirable situation.

Hoping to learn from the replies to this question.  

AE6XE's picture
What's the distance out of

What's the distance out of desired coverage area?     Anything to the west to cover?     Are 120deg sector panels in consideration? 

Is the plan is to use different channels?  (to not compete on the frequency?)   Are other bands in consideration? 

Here's some antennas I have up:



The max distances are all about 34mi each.  The main city to be covered is 22-32mi northeast.  The two cities north and north-northeast are 22mi..  The city southeast of the main city (but due east of the tower) is 32mi.  The tower site elevation is 3,000ft with a clear line of site to all of the valley floor where all the cities are located.

There is nothing west to cover, and most likely if it is linked it will be with a 3ghz PtP to the northern-most SARDEN city.  Certainly there will be a 3ghz PtP going 75 miles east to a peak 4K with no obstructions to link cities further southeast for other counties' meshes.

First, how am I on distances with this coverage using 90deg (or 60deg) sectors?  No, I hadn't considered 120deg sectors, mostly because I am trying to go as far to the east into the valley as possible (foothills start on the far side about 65-75 miles east, but I don't expect to make it all that way).

I can use different channels, and would be looking for advice here.  The sectors are all designed up to ch170 5850, but sometimes going slightly out of spec might make for better coverage?  If two 90deg sectors are used, perhaps ch170 and ch174?  If three 60deg sectors are used, perhaps ch170 for the main city, ch174 for the north and southernisn sectors (or ch178 for south)?  I am assuming 10mhz wide with 5mhz buffers.

Haven't really considered other bands.  Trying to keep it simple on 5.8ghz and save 3ghz for backbone links.  Trying to stay away from noisy 2.4ghz land.

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.

Jason de KG6H.

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