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Replacement Ubiquiti 620mm dish feed horn? Or switch to Mikrotik LHG?

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KM6SLF's picture
Replacement Ubiquiti 620mm dish feed horn? Or switch to Mikrotik LHG?
The feed horn for my 620mm Ubiquiti dish broke and I'm having a hard time finding a replacement. It's intended to go on a municipal tower so I'm looking for something very robust. Should I keep looking for a replacement feed horn? Switch to a 500mm dish? Or switch to the large Mikrotik LHG?
nc8q's picture
PBE M5 [3456]?0 mm dish
I think you could gain 2 dBm over your failed radio if the PBE-M5-300
is a physical replacement for the PBE-M5-620 radio.
The 620 has -2 to -3 dBm compared to the 300 and 400 radios.
I don't know if the feed horn antennas are different among the 300, 400, 500, 620;
else the different radios may not 'fully' illuminate the 620 mm dish.
But, the PBE-M5-300 is about 40% of the cost of a PBE-M5-620.
On the other hand, I am totally enamoured with the Mikrotik RBLHG-HP5(n/ac)D-XL
due to its cost and performance.
Has anyone put a PBE-300/400/500 feed in a 620 dish?

73, Chuck

KM6SLF's picture
I have power beam 400 and 500
I have power beam 400 and 500 horns I could try in the 620 dish for fit, but how would you suggest I test for performance, preferably without moving the big dish around?
KM6SLF's picture
I can also confirm that the
I can also confirm that the different sized dishes have horns of different lengths.
nc8q's picture
different sized dishes have horns of different lengths.
Very good to know. Thanks.

nc8q's picture
That last 2 dB is kinda expensive

Model        dBi  dBm  ERP  $
PBE-5AC-300   22   25   47
PBE-5AC-400   25   25   50
PBE-5AC-500   27   24   51  159
PBE-5AC-620   29   24   53  219
PBE-M5-300    22   26   48   79
PBE-M5-400    25   26   51   95
PBE-M5-620    29   24   53  2??
PBE-5AC-GEN2  25   24   49  119
LBE-5AC-XR    29   24   53  129 not yet supported
LBE-5AC-GEN2  23   25   48   65
LBE-5AC-"-LR  26   25   51  109
LBE-5AC-"-XR  29   25   54  129 not yet supported

or a Mikrotik RBLHGG5acG-XL 27 25 52 ~$130 Alas, hard to find in single package.

73, Chuck

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