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Removing packages - Confirmation message need?

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k1ky's picture
Removing packages - Confirmation message need?
Before I submit a "feature request" could someone explain the process that occurs when removing a "package" from a node?  I see the confirmation message that the item is being removed, but there isn't any confirmation after the fact that it was successful.  Sometimes the same for installing packages, but there does appear to be some confirmation when that activity is complete.

Is it "immediate"?  Should we allow some sufficient waiting period before proceeding to reboot the node or perform other activities?
I would assume that once a package is removed, there should be some sort of procedure to make sure that any running processes are stopped and a reboot of the node would be in order??

Inquiring minds....
AE6XE's picture
K1KY,  the messages and
K1KY,  the messages and results displayed after installing or uninstalling a package can be specific to that package and what the original developers wrote it to do.   It should be safe to assume that if you do not receive any error messages, that it succeeded.  Error messages are displayed.    Some packages can take 1 or 2 minutes to complete.

Best practices we hope all Developers follow, a package should automatically restart any dependent services or take action necessary to leave the device fully functional with the new features.   For example with the iperf package, we added logic in AREDN to  add a firewall rule and then restart the firewall so that an incoming connection can occur, without a manual reboot.   

The OpenWrt design intention is such that when a config setting of the device is changed, there is a mechanism to automatically restart the dependent services--which can include restarting all networks, firewall, olsr, etc.   This is a process called 'procd'.    If OLSR is restarted, then another ~30 seconds delay to be able to communicate to a remote node and see a response.


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