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Removing map data

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K6CCC's picture
Removing map data
From the current AREDN docs:

If you wish to remove your node location from the public mapping service, simply clear or erase your latitude/longitude values, click Apply Location Settings and then Upload Data to AREDN Servers.

At least on my hAP, it will not allow uploading location data to the AREDN server with a blank lat/long.

This is a result of moving a node and changing the node name.
  firmware version:
MikroTik RouterBOARD 952Ui-5ac2nD (hAP ac lite)
nc8q's picture
Map database table primary key=MAC of node.
Hi, Jim:
I have been able to update the map server with blank information in the past.
However, if you have only moved or renamed a node, simply update with valid
lat/log/grid-square and 'upload' again.
I think. :-|
73, Chuck

K6CCC's picture
Not working at this time.
Not working at this time.  Enter a blank lat/long and try to upload and it fails.
And entering a new lat/long along with node name is leaving the old name and location.  So now one of my nodes has three locations with two names on the map.
K6CCC's picture
Since it is not working, can
Since it is not working, can whoever manages that map system simply remove every node with K6CCC in the node name (there are over a dozen).  That will get rid of nodes that don't exist any more, and duplicates.  Once completed, I can upload each current node again.
K5DLQ's picture
K6CCC's picture
Thank you sir!
Thank you sir!
I will upload everything current later today.

k1ky's picture
Another observation
The MAC addy of published nodes will be different if they are connected via MESH RF,  DTD, etc. so this is another way that identically named nodes will show up on the AREDN map.  I also noticed that blank coordinates can't be uploaded anymore.  Do we need to create a GitHub issue to fix this or is someone already on the case?
K6CCC's picture
All REAL K6CCC nodes are back
All REAL K6CCC nodes are back on the map - in correct locations as intended.
Curiously, my hAPac3 (K6CCC-hAPac3-at-Home) on channel 3 is shown as a 3.4 GHz node.


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