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Regional Support

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K7OPA's picture
Regional Support
I was reviewing one of the presentations on the site and noticed a mention of regional support.  It may be too early to ask but do we have 'Subject Matter Experts' identified for different regions of the country yet?  I am putting together a presentation for local hams and pulling info from various sources but at some point we want to pitch our capabilities to a higher audience - state and local Auxcomm folks.  Would rather coordinate that with the AREDN group rather than going in as 'amateurs' (no pun intended).

K6AH's picture
Expert Certifications

Hi Ron.  The AREDN Project is developing a certification program that might be useful for this purpose.  The idea here is to identify those who you can count on having a proven level of AREDN expertise and who will identified on the forum with an appropriate certification icon.  It's too early to suggest a release date for this program, but it will include exams for as many as three levels of expertise (i.g., Network Design, Implementation, Auxcomm Operations, etc.).

In the mean time I suggest keeping this forum post current with your activities 

Andre, K6AH


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