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Reflash with the CORRECT Firmware (Ubiquiti PBE400-5AC-400)

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Reflash with the CORRECT Firmware (Ubiquiti PBE400-5AC-400)
So I accidentally flashed this radio with the wrong nightly build (duh) PBE-5AC-Gen2 and now that there is a nightly build for my radio, I can't seem to get it to load properly. Well, I can upload the correct firmware to the radio but the hexdump command complains it can't find/bin/ubntbox, which I assume doesn't exist once the AREDN firmware is running.

So how to overcome my blunder?
WU2S's picture
I did something similar recently with a Nanobeam AC Gen2. My solution was to SCP the correct firmware to the /tmp directory on the device.  Then I SSHed to the device and the ran a sysupgrade on it ( sysupgrade /tmp/aredn-firmware-filename.bin )
Remember that with the AREDN firmware on your device to use port 2222 for both SCP and SSH.
When I go to run sysupgrade,

When I go to run sysupgrade, it reports the device as Gen2 and that image check failed. Perhaps I need to use the factory image and start over....

Edit: Seems using the -F switch is the way to go

Well....that worked fine on 1
Well....that worked fine on 1 of my radios - it is now running the nightly build.

But the other one seems to be bricked as I can't connect to it any way I try.....I've even tried  the procedure for the 802.11n radios but that is rejected as "Error on server : Firmware check failed" (I tried both the sysupgrade and factory.bin versions)
Final update. I suspected it
Final update. I suspected it wanted the factory firmware so I tftp'd WA.v8.7.0.42152.200203.1256.bin and I'm back in business.

The Nightly Build has a new

The Nightly Build has a new feature that allows you to disable the firmware compatibility checks in order to load the correct firmware.
Documented here:

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