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RadioMobile: What are these symbols?

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RadioMobile: What are these symbols?
I use RadioMobile for PtP path analysis and find it very useful and fairly predictive.  I have never seen a manual or explanation on how to use it.  I use the values suggested in the Aredn Docs and they seem to produce reasonable results that mirror reality, at least close enough.  

There are symbols in the path diagrams I do not understand,  For some paths, they are few or non-existent.  For others, like the one attached, they are plentiful.   They are circled in the attached image.  Can anyone explain what these are?  Thanks!

Lee kf7yrs
File Attachment: 
N1WBV's picture
Population Density
It's not obvious (at all) but I ran into this problem as well. Took me a while but it's population density

Population covered
When performing a radio coverage study, the program access a population density database to determine the total population covered for both levels of signal. The quality of that database varies from one country to another. The database has a resolution of 30 arseconds and was derived from SEDAC - Columbia University. Red >=1000 (inhabitants per square kilometer), Orange >= 500, Yellow >= 100, Green >= 50, Turquoise >= 10, Cyan >= 5, Purple >= 1, Blue >= 0, Black = 0

Thanks, I NEVER would have guessed that!   I was worried someone would ask me and I would look like an idiot (again)  ;-)
Lee kf7yrs

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