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Postfix "Smarthost" for Mesh emails?

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KM6SLF's picture
Postfix "Smarthost" for Mesh emails?
Good morning AREDN community,

I'm trying to set up NextCloudPi, which should be more robust than the NextCloud-on-Raspian build I had running but broke the other day. It's integrated with Postfix, which has an option to add smarthosts. My understanding of this stuff is limited, but I think that would allow regular email addresses to accept emails from a mesh email server (as long as the device is connected to the internet). Am I mistaken? 

If anyone has successfully put a NextCloudPi device on AREDN I'd love to hear how you configured the email settings. As long as it works within the mesh it should be operational. I think I can plug in the settings from my Citadel mesh email server. If I go that direction, I think the choice I need to make is local only on the menu that offers:

No configuration
Internet Site
Internet with smarthost
Satellite system
Local only
k1ky's picture
Postfix "Smarthost" for Mesh emails?
Yes, it works - or at least we have had Nextcloud up and running in the past on our system. I was involved as a "user" of the system, KM4ACK configured the system on one of his RPi units if I recall.  We aren't currently using it, but it is a viable stand-alone solution and I really liked the synchronized file storage - similar to the functionality of Google Drive.  The e-mail system seemed to work as advertised.

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