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Portable Operation on a Vehicle-Mounted Mast

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W2TTT's picture
Portable Operation on a Vehicle-Mounted Mast
While on a recent visit to Noel, N2OEL at his home in Ocala, Florida, I had the opportunity to add four green military poles to my existing pivoting antenna mount and top it with an M2 Nanostation.  It worked really well and was a simple, single person, walk-up task that was pinned to the post on top of the 2 inch hitch mount.  With the aluminum version of these poles, I could have added three more sections and had it at 32 ft.  In this case we were at 21 ft.  If you use the plastic/fiberglass military poles, then four or possibly five on top of the aluminum pivot pole is all you can do without guys and help in setting this up.  As I did it, I was able to simply walk it up and not have any issues of breakage.
Gordon, W2TTT
W2TTT's picture
Portable Operation on a Vehicle Mounted Mast
    I should also point out that Noel has his masts drilled for pins that keep them from rotating.  It is approximately a 1/2 inch from the bottom of the mast and also again about a 1/2 above the point in the mast where it is tapered.
Gordon, W2TTT
N2MH's picture
Wind Gusts

What kind of wind gusts do you think this setup could withstand?

KB5UGF's picture
Mobile Mesh Node
Here's my version of a mobile mesh node. It's a Bullet M2 with an Alfa 5db router antenna mounted to it through an N to reverse SMA adapter. The other end of the Bullet is mounted to a short piece of pvc pipe with end caps on it, which is mounted to a discarded mag mount. Obviously you must choose your operating position carefully for line of sight, but I was surprised at the performance from 2 ½ miles away, probably capable of even more.
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kg9dw's picture
I love it. No ham project is
I love it. No ham project is complete unless there is PVC involved!

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