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Phone server stress test

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Kf7vol's picture
Phone server stress test
Good Morning to the Group!

As a test, I set up a stress test to see what I could do in building confidence in the phone system on the mesh. I opened up our conference line and we welcomed in as many users as we could to see how things would perform. What I found was we were only able to bring in 5 callers on the line at once. This seemed like a far cry from what it should be able to do.

I know I have been on the east coast weekly conference call in a few times and it worked very well. I guess with that said I need to find the pinch point in my system

At the time of the test the mesh (seemed) to have good links and be moving adequate amounts of traffic.
  • Is there a good mesh tool to watch the performance live to gauge network stability?
If it wasn't the network than my head next goes to the Raspberry Pi FreePBX tool
  • What are the real world limitation of this type of phone server
  • Could there be a configuration setting that could assist in performance
  • If I was to move up the next level phone server what would it be?
We have been very happy with our phone system abroad and it is operating well on a one to one basis. The reason I ask the above questions is we are getting ready to start selling the network more to the local fire departments and I want to ensure its solid first.

Thank you for your time!
KD1HA's picture

How many users do you have it set for in the PBX Conferences? Setting it to "0" is no limit. 

On a Raspberry Pi and I have had up to 7 users without a problem. I now run my PBX on a PC but I have a backup RPi too. I never load tested the PC PBX as yet.

nc8q's picture
Phone server stress test RPi
Which RPi
Model 1,2,3,4?
What CPU speed?

IIRC somewhere was mentioned that a RPi-3 would handle 10 active extensions.



kc8ufv's picture
Keep in mind, it also depends
Keep in mind, it also depends on how the PBX is configured. Most PBX software has an option to have the endpoints communicate directly, though that's often not the default, with the PBX mostly serving as a directory, and possibly a conference server. On the mesh, I'd encourage anyone deploying a PBX on the mesh to find that setting and enable it, as it will reduce the load on the PBX server, as well as reduce the load on the network by keeping the call as local as it needs to be. With that configuration, your PBX will be able to handle near infinite endpoints (well, within reason, we're not likely to see more than a few hundred extensions on one PBX) as they will mostly only be handling registration. 

Just for a frame of reference, where I work uses an Avaya IP PBX for our work phones, with hundreds of extensions, and each conference can only handle 6 extensions, including inside and outside lines.

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