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PBE-M5-400 DtD Switch Config

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PBE-M5-400 DtD Switch Config
Hey group,
So I have 3 PBE-M5-400's I want to link through a Ubiquity 5 port managed switch.  I need the 24v PoE built into the switch.  I see a You Tube video that covers the DtD issue but it makes a reference abut the M5 not playing well with each other in DtD.  Any input on this?

nc8q's picture
You Tube video that covers the DtD issue
Hi, Joe:

Please share the URL of the video.
If you wish only to DtD the 3 devices, you need only a simple switch that will pass VLAN2 packets.
It is rumored that most simple ethernet switch pass VLAN2 packets.

73, Chuck

Sorry this took so long Chuck,
I should probably look at this more often.  I guess I hadn't heard of anyone looking at this page.

OK, so here is the You Tube address:

Let me know what you think

73,  Joe
nc8q's picture
You Tube video that covers the DtD issue
Hi, Joe:

That video is 6 years old!
Let us start over and ignore 'a reference abut the M5 not playing well with each other in DtD'.
Do you want LAN access to any of the 3 nodes?
In no, then you will likely get by with simple ethernet switch.
If yes, then you will need a 802.1Q capable switch and properly configured.
"Ubiquity 5 port managed switch"
'managed' does not imply 802.1Q capability.
Please share the model of 'Ubiquity 5 port managed switch' or determine its 802.1Q capability yourself.

73, Chuck

Just asking
It looks like you have played with a ubiquity LBE-5ac-Gen2 in the past.  I think I saw a post on this in the general section.  Can we shift gears just a bit and my I ask how you got the cotton picker to go into TFTP mode.  I have tried resetting by having the power on.  Having the power offf.  Using scp, TinyPXE after converting the .bin to an ELF file, the native TFTP in windows, PuTTY and TFTP64.  I don't think the programs used to would make much difference if the radio will not go into TFTP mode.  I have used information sent to me by Ubiquity last week on how to set the unit up for recovery and It still does not go into TFTP mode.  I also have ssh keys working and the unit has been added to the list.  the unit pings so I know the connection is seen.  

The Ethernet connection has been changed to both and  The unit has been plugged in to a dumb switch (which it doesn't like to the point it won't cooperate.) and connected directly to the computer system. 

I already have set up 6 PBM5-400's and they went right into TFTP with the AREDN directions. 
This one is just kicking my butt.

Any ideas?

Thanks and 73,

nc8q's picture

Hi, Joe:

You mentioned 192.168.1.[50,254], so I am assuming that you are not following the instructions above.
This thread was "PBE-M5-400 DtD Switch Config".
If you want to switch to a different topic, please start a new thread.
I ordered two LBE-5ac-Gen2 devices on March 15, 2024.
I do not recall any difficulty in installing AREDN firmware.

73, Chuck
Hi Chuck,
the .254 came from Ubiquity instructions on putting the radio into TFTP recovery.  I will start another thread on this after looking at the link you sent if i don't get it figured out,

Thanks and Happy Fathers Day


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