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w6bi's picture
Not strictly related to beta testing, but...

Last night (too late) I cleverly bricked a NSM5 XW running the 154 nightly build by loading the 156 nightly build - for XM hardware...

Can someone point me to a recovery procedure, please?

k1ky's picture
Me too!  Must have been something in the air.  We must pay CLOSE attention to the version of Firmware and Hardware being loaded.  I do these upgrades all the time, and all it takes is "one small slip" and you will end up with  "Bricked" unit.  I'm probably going to have to break it open and use the serial interface loading method on this one.  My initial attempts to load via TFTP were not successful over the ethernet line, but I'm not giving up yet.. just got to set aside more time.  A good  "refresher" on the recovery procedure here would be appreciated.  It's been a while since I have had to recover a unit.  I just mentioned to Darryl that it would be nice to bump up the priority on that open Ticket that deals with the issue of accidental improper firmware loads.
Did this myself the other day
Did this myself the other day, TFTP recovery should sort it out (as long as you had AirOS 5.5.x on it before of course to get the "good" boot loader)
k1ky's picture
Which addy for the boot Loader/
What's the address to send the TFTP to?
kg9dw's picture
Doc link

Scroll down to the TFTP section. 
w6bi's picture
Remote reset on NSM5 XW

Given that my NSM5 XW is at the top of the tower and the Ethernet cable is plugged into its Secondary port (for DtD connectivity), this is all academic I suspect.
Unless by some miracle the reset circuitry is replicated from Main to Secondary..... 


Reset circuitry is not
Reset circuitry is not replicated to the second port to my knowledge.

If a cable wasn't ran to the primary to supply power (per device manufacture specifications) and data I believe you will need to climb the tower to resolve this issue.
w6bi's picture
As I suspected, thanks.   I have another NSM5 on order; I'll program it identically - that way I only have to climb the tower once.
Fortunately it's only up 45 feet, not at the top :-)

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