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OMS.exe working but...

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OMS.exe working but...

OMS.exe is back working, but the displayed map still contains history of previous runs.  The display is pretty with the spiderfly :)  However it is not as useful as if it only contained the last run of OMS.  Click on my AB4YY-LHG5 to see what I mean.  Otherwise, the map is excellent and useful.

- Mike AB4YY

Well, after looking more closely...

After looking more closely, maybe it is useful and not as confusing as I first thought....maybe.  :)

  • If I zoom in and stop just as spiderfly is activated, I can see and click on all the history, which is interesting.  But I cannot see my individual node devices.
  • However, if I zoom in a few steps beyond spiderfly being activated, (and do not click on anything!), I can see my individual nodes which s good.

So I suppose if the above is taken into consideration, it can be useful as is.

- Mike AB4YY

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