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Old Ubiquiti Nanostation Loco M5 XW

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Old Ubiquiti Nanostation Loco M5 XW
Hi guys

just wanted to give you a short information:

I tried to install the factory on an old Ubiquiti Nanostation Loco M XW as the image for this model is available on the download page. However, after several attemps, I gave up, as this installation ended in a boot-loop. Maybe this image only runs on latest XW models.

From a former installation on a similar device I remembered that it runs with the Ubiquiti Rocket M5 XW firmware, so why not give it a try?

To my big surprise...I was able to install the factory of the Rocket and it runs smoothly on the NS Loco. Even the device model, antenna gain etc. are shown correctly. So if you have such an old device, you can still use it for tests.

Have fun, 73s


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