Planning on setting up a node and trying to get some clubs in the area to do the same. Not sure how successful I'll be but hoping there's more than 2 people in Erie County interested in AREDN.
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I have always been interested in setting up a node as well. Just doesnt seem to be enough interest.
What equipment do you recommend?
If you have specific questions drop me a note:
Orv W6BI
60-80 TxMbps Summer
80-100 TxMbps Winter.
Currently the Mikrotik RBLHGG-5acD-XL would be similar.
73, Chuck
Finally getting some other hams in Erie County, PA interested in using AREDN.
Linked here is a basic overview of some of the main repeaters and digital networks in the Erie County/NWPA area.
RAE repeater committee is exploring adding AREDN links to our 61/440 and 82 repeaters making digital links to combine the repeater coverage and maybe eventually linking most of the main repeaters.