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NSM3 Fiirmware XM.v5.3 Can't Load to 5.5.10

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NSM3 Fiirmware XM.v5.3 Can't Load to 5.5.10

Hi all,

I've just picked up a brand new set of 2 Nanostation M3s (NSM3).  They were tested on 7/8/11.  They have version XM.v5.3 firmware on them.  I run the U-boot test tool and get a GOOD/GOOD.  When I try to upgrade to v5.5.11 I get the following message in the orange banner at the top of the AirOS screen:

"Uploaded configuration file is too big.  Maximum allowed size is 65535 bytes"

I've tried to load the AREDN v3.16.1.0 as well and get the same message.

Does anybody have any ideas?  I think maybe if I could get the series of firmware upgrades that would help (i.e. - take it to v5.4, then to 5.5), but they don't seem to be available on the Ubiquiti website.

Any help would be greatly apprecaited.  I was so looking forward to putting these into service.


Kent, KL5T
Eagle River, Alaska
Anchorage ARES DEC

K5DLQ's picture
Dont use the "Upload

Dont use the "Upload configuration file" option...  Use the "Upload FIRMWARE" option.... it should be at the top of the system page in AIROS

That was it

Thanks.  Indeed, I found it.  In this old version the firmware update option is "not in your face".  It's hidden under the "Update" button.  Went in there and there was the Firmware update option.

It worked just fine.

Life is good.

Thanks for the kick in the pants.



K5DLQ's picture
Good deal!  glad you are up
Good deal!  glad you are up and running! 

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