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Not getting 802.11n or 'ac' speeds on my new 'ac' devices

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nc8q's picture
Not getting 802.11n or 'ac' speeds on my new 'ac' devices
Neither Stable nor Nightly 20230709 attempts 802.11n nor 802.11ac speeds. Using Nightly 20230709 My -nD to nD devices are capable of 130/144 TxMbps link speed. My -ac to -ac and -nD to -ac only attempt 802.11g speeds! I was hoping to see a MCS8 156/173.3 link between my -ac devices. Especially, I was not expecting to be reduced to 802.11g, 54 TxMbps. See edited. 73, Chuck
nc8q's picture
Still only getting 802.11g speed on my SXTsq-5ac device.
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w6bi's picture
Modulation rate
Chuck, TxMbps is not a link speed - it's (mostly) just modulation rate.  It looks like the link is running MCS 13 which would be 115.6 Mbps, but since we're running 10 MHz bw, it'd be half that or 57.8 Mbps.  I believe the displayed AREDN TxMbps is adjusted for successful packet completion, which in this case is 93%  (54/57.8)

Orv  W6BI
nc8q's picture
Hi, Orv:

Hi, Orv:

As advertised in "See edited":

nD to ac link:
root@NC8Q-LHG5-175:~# cat /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/netdev:wlan0/stations/74:4d:28:92:be:26/rc_stats

              best    ____________rate__________    ____statistics___    _____last____    ______sum-of________
mode guard #  rate   [name   idx airtime  max_tp]  [avg(tp) avg(prob)]  [retry|suc|att]  [#success | #attempts]
OFDM       1           6.0M  272    1640     5.2       5.2     100.0       3     0 0             0   0        
OFDM       1           9.0M  273    1104     7.7       7.7     100.0       4     0 0             1   1        
OFDM       1          12.0M  274     836    10.0      10.0     100.0       4     0 0             0   0        
OFDM       1          18.0M  275     568    14.3      14.3     100.0       5     0 0             0   0        
OFDM       1    D     24.0M  276     436    18.1      18.1     100.0       5     0 0             1   1        
OFDM       1   C P    36.0M  277     300    24.9      24.9     100.0       5     0 0             1   1        
OFDM       1  B       48.0M  278     236    30.4      30.4     100.0       5     0 0            28   28       
OFDM       1 A        54.0M  279     212    33.0      33.0     100.0       5     1 1           354   359      

Total packet count::    ideal 375      lookaround 10
Average # of aggregated frames per A-MPDU: 1.0

802.11n MCSs are not attempted, only 802.11g speeds are attempted.
It seems to me that my 802.11n device (RB-LHG-HP5nd) thinks that my RB-SXTsq-5ac device is an 802.11g device.
Why else would only be testing and linking at 802.11g MCSs?

Also note that the LQ and NLQ are all 100%, so there is no multiplication with values < 1.0 happening.


73, Chuck

w6bi's picture
Interesting!  Have you tried reloading the software?
nc8q's picture
TxMbps 54: Multiple firmware versions =>, 202308??
"Have you tried reloading the software?"

TxMbps 54: Multiple firmware versions =>, 202308??
I tried to load iperfspeed_0.8, but is seems to be failing to load on the Nightly.
Now, even my GL iNet AR300M16 is doing 54 Mbps with the Nightly.
73, Chuck

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nc8q's picture
TxMbps is not a link speed - it's (mostly) just modulation rate
Hi, Orv:
Yes, TxMbps is is a data speed, not data throughput speed.
TxMbps indicates the link speed (MCS) less retries (if any).
iperfspeed would indicate throughput (TxMpbs)*(LQ/100)*(NLQ/100)-overhead(FEC,...)
These are half-duplex radio links so throughput can only approach MCS speed selected.

I am looking at rc_stats and wondering if my new 'ac' device broadcasts that it can do 802.11 encoding.

73, Chuck


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