I have a couple of nodes on the air at the north end of Oceanside on the coast. The 5Ghz Nanostation has a view of the coast, south over water, from about Solana Beach to La Jolla. The 2Ghz Nanostation is pointed more towards downtown to help fill in any CERT nodes there. Both have emergency power and are tunneled, mainly for remote management, so they are connected to the mesh at large.
If anyone is interested in a more permanent "coastal" 5Ghz link to the south I'm willing to put up a dish with more gain in that direction. Also if we ever get a presence on Catalina I have a nice of view of it (would be a good hop around the OC mountains to the north--unfortunately I’m blocked by large buildings for anything inland in that direction.)
Are you going to be present at the demo of Amateur Radio to the Academy Saturday?