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non-alphanumeric characters in tunnel configuration

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non-alphanumeric characters in tunnel configuration
IIRC, there was mention of some non-alphanumeric characters being not allowed in tunnel configurations.
I recall removing '<' characters from email addresses on all of my tunnels' "notes".
In tunnel configuration, is there documentation on what is not allowed and where?

73, Chuck

This section identifies
This section identifies characters that should be avoided:
nc8q's picture
characters that should be avoided:
Hi, Steve:


Somehow my eyes passed over that section and sent no signals to my brain. ;-)

What about a comma ','.

I have 1 supernode tunnel client, N5MXI-STX-SUPERNODE, that does not link-up.
I noticed a comma in his end's client configuration notes.
I am the server, David is the client.

73, Chuck

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