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Node will not share internet after upgraded to 3.24.10

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Node will not share internet after upgraded to 3.24.10
We updated a 3.16 node that had been working great and sharing the internet to a remote site for DMR and after the update No internet sharing.
The 5g node which was also updated from 3.23 to 3.24.10 does not see the second 5g at the remote site. However it does see that node using wifi scan in the old gui screen.  We have tunnel access to this node thus the internet to the node is confirmed.

We tried to turn off the share settings reboot check node then turn back on the share setting and reboot again however there was no change in sharing of the internet.

Any thoughts?

w6bi's picture
Try the latest nightly build - lots of small fixes in it.
Orv W6BI
tried Nightly
So i had to put nightly on both nodes that had been updated to 3.24.10.  That got connection back however teh ping response time between them is crazy long.  Prior to updates it was pretty normal responses. They are on 121 nightly.


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