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Is the Node RF SNR available

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VE7TFM's picture
Is the Node RF SNR available

Is the Node RF SNR available from somewhere on the commandline?
iwconfig is not present.

I would like to build a signal strength trend for a new rf path.

I can build a script to login and extract the data then store it in a file.


Existing sysinfo.json API contains them

The existing sysinfo.json API already contains the Signal & Noise values.  Here is the documentation link that describes them.

VE7TFM's picture
Thank You.
Thank You.
Lots of info there.
It is still a web interface.
On the commandline i can wget that info then pars the file for the data I want.
I can do that with the web status page.
again thanks.
It's easy to script this

You can view the data in a browser, or you can script the data capture and parse it with your favorite json parsing routine.  (example below)

# wget http://kb7rj-nb5-w.local.mesh/cgi-bin/sysinfo.json?link_info=1 -O -

Downloading 'http://kb7rj-nb5-w.local.mesh/cgi-bin/sysinfo.json?link_info=1'

Connecting to

Download completed (5901 bytes)


"link_info": {

    "": {

      "helloTime": 0,

      "lostLinkTime": 0,

      "linkQuality": 1,

      "vtime": 20000,

      "linkCost": 0.099609000000000003,

      "linkType": "DTD",

      "hostname": "KB7RJ-NB5-S",

      "previousLinkStatus": "SYMMETRIC",

      "currentLinkStatus": "SYMMETRIC",

      "neighborLinkQuality": 1,

      "symmetryTime": 19138,

      "seqnoValid": false,

      "pending": false,

      "lossHelloInterval": 2000,

      "lossMultiplier": 65536,

      "hysteresis": 0,

      "seqno": 0,

      "lossTime": 2138,

      "validityTime": 38380,

      "olsrInterface": "br-dtdlink",

      "lastHelloTime": 0,

      "asymmetryTime": 444161225


    "": {

      "helloTime": 0,

      "lostLinkTime": 0,

      "linkQuality": 1,

      "vtime": 20000,

      "linkCost": 4194304,

      "linkType": "RF",

      "hostname": "KJ7ZQP-RM5-O-1844",

      "validityTime": 38154,

      "previousLinkStatus": "SYMMETRIC",

      "currentLinkStatus": "SYMMETRIC",

      "rx_rate": 19.5,

      "neighborLinkQuality": 0.098000000000000004,

      "noise": -95,

      "symmetryTime": 19440,

      "seqnoValid": false,

      "lossMultiplier": 65536,

      "pending": false,

      "lossHelloInterval": 2000,

      "asymmetryTime": 444161527,

      "tx_rate": 29.199999999999999,

      "hysteresis": 0,

      "seqno": 0,

      "lossTime": 2440,

      "expected_throughput": 13.699999999999999,

      "olsrInterface": "wlan0",

      "lastHelloTime": 0,

      "signal": -76



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