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Newbie in Bridgeport

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Newbie in Bridgeport
Hello all, I'm interested in AREDN, but have no idea where to start. I've read through half of the AREDN documentation, but still have no idea what kind of device and/or antenna should I buy. What next, if I have bought something and flashed it with AREDN firmware?

If anyone can point me to the right direction, I would be appreciated.
What device and/or antenna should I start with?
What next if I get it up and running?

Charlie, KA1CM
nc8q's picture
Newbie in Bridgeport
Hi, Charlie:
Immediately, if not sooner, contact Robert WA1RJJ, then
maybe the Woodmont ARA.
If there are any other clubs in your area, place your original plea for assistance on their bulletin board.
If there are any HF/VHF/UHF/SHF Amateur Radio nets in your area, check in "with traffic" and repeat your plea
during the net.

"What next, if I have bought something and flashed it with AREDN firmware?"
Oh my!
I hope, if you have already bought something and flashed it,
you bought a Mikrotik hap-ac-lite($), or hap-ac3($$$), or hap-ac2($$). :-|

73, Chuck

You can contact me directly via email if you want.
You can contact me directly via email, robert dot jochim at gmail dot com, or via direct message here.  I've experimented with a range of hardware in respect to AREDN and would be happy to get you on course.  I have a few nodes that are up all the time that you could either tunnel in through the Internet to, or via RF depending where you are in Bridgeport.  I live in Milford, but I can see the red/white smokestack in Bridgeport from my kitchen window. I'm not fully able-bodied, but I can usually work something out if you want to meet.  Currently in crunch-time for the upcoming NYC Marathon in two weeks where I'm deploying 8 nodes for video coverage starting on the Queensboro Bridge and partly up 1st Avenue, so I may be slow to respond.

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