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New user asking for help getting started.

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New user asking for help getting started.


I'm a new beginner asking the normal basic questions.  I'm trying to setup AREDN in my remote cabin in Mt. Baldy, CA  90740.  The cabin has a wood burning stove and and outhouse; yes, it's a rustic cabin in the forest!  But, there is electricity.  I have a vhf/uhf station that easily connects to the VA Hospital repeater in Long beach, CA. 90802 and Seal Beach, CA 90740 repeaters 60 miles away.  However, the cabin is in a deep canyon on US Forest Service leased land so the transmissions are within the aperture of the canyon looking down into the Los Angeles CA Basin.
In my discussions with the Leisure World ARC, W6LWR, members they have suggested that I use 5.8GHz and will probably need a dish due to the distances involved.  And I will need a receptive node within line of sight and reasonable distance for the band.
Is there a local mesh user group I can contact?  Or a local receptive node to contact?  I'm a registered CA electrical engineer and can probably figure out how to setup my equipment but, would clearly like some advice from experienced persons to guide me in getting started.

Rodney Schaerer, W9NOP
Seal Beach, CA

K6CCC's picture
Welcome to AREDN
Start with taking a look at Eric's Mesh Map page.  That will give an almost real time look at what and where nodes are in the greater LA basin.

Next use one of several path propagation tools to figure out to where you have a path.  I use Radio Mobile (there are others).
Thank you...
nc8q's picture
Use a path propagation tool
Thank you...
K6AH's picture
Email me...
Rodney, send me an email <callsign> and I'll give you a hand.

Andre, K6AH

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