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New UI missing 'Node Tools' (CPE-210v2

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New UI missing 'Node Tools' (CPE-210v2

With my CPE-210 v2 running the most recent nightly firmware, the UI does not have an icon in the bottom left for selecting 'node tools'.  My MikroTik hap ac2 and LHG5 both, show that selection.   Was it an unintended omission from the CPE-210?

- Mike AB4YY

Are you logged in as admin on the CPE-210?
Are you logged in as admin on the CPE-210?  The Tools icon is only visible to the node admin.
Thanks, I see the situation

Thanks, I see the situation now.  I was logged on using the old UI, but that login does not carry over when switching to the new UI.  So, all I had to do was log on again, while in the new UI.  That's a little odd, but it works, and I suppose eventually the old UI will be going away anyway.

- Mike

Authentication methods are different between the two UIs
Perfect!  Yes, the authentication methods used by the old vs. new UI are completely different and separate.  Some folks have experienced the same thing you did, but like you said eventually the legacy UI will be going away.  For now, they just need to be aware that they may have to authenticate twice if they are switching back and forth between the UIs.

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