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The new kid with lots of ??????

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NH6HI's picture
Radio looks bad on 2 devices?
Mahalo for putting up with me. I'm reading everything Google can find and I'm starting to understand. I'm Not a network savy guy but trying to learn.

Mahalo Darryl for your post. I changed all my SSID's to KAUAI and everything talks to each other except the NH6HI-COMM-VAN. Since the radio doesn't seem to be working, it sees nothing and nothing sees it.

In resopnse to Chuck, I have 1 hAP AC Lite, 1 LDF 5GHz nodes that are flashed and functioning properly. I also have 2 LHG 5 devices that are working properly. The channel and bandwidth is identical on all 3 nodes, CH. 168 and 5mhz. These devices all see each other and are functioning properly.

Now for the BaseBox 5. I have it configured just like the others as NH6HI-COMM-VAN and SSID as KAUAI. I have the Altelix omni antenna connected to it. As long as it and any one of the other nodes are plugged into a switch with it, the other working nodes can see the NH6HI-COMM-VAN. As soon as I unplug the ethernet cable from either one, the NH6HI-COMM-VAN disappears from the working nodes list of heard devices leading me to the realization that it's deaf.

I have 2 of the 4 BaseBox 5 units I own flashed and the 2 both exhibit the same issue. If you look at the first screen print i did above, Under SIGNAL/NOISE/RATIO it shows "N/A". If I click on CHARTS I get no signal indication. I do on the others. I thought it might be the antenna so I swapped in a 120 degree sector antenna with the same results. Also tested the N to RP-SMA cables provided with the antennas. I have re-flashed both units with a fresh download of  aredn- & aredn- specified on the download page and when that didn't work, I used the Nightly Build with the same results. Still No Radio!

Not sure where to go from here.


NH6HI's picture
In total frustration and not willing to give up, I busted out a 3rd BaseBox 5 only this time it was an INTL version and it works as advertised working on the original Omni Altelix antenna... :>) :>) :>) Yahooooo! This is how I learn. Da skool of hard nox!

Now the US Versions? Correct me if I'm wrong but I read in the forum that it didn't make any difference between US and INTL after the flash. Did I read wrong? Is there a way to bring the US Version back to factory build? For now, I'm going to re-flash the the 2 US versons with the same build I used on this one which is the Nightly Build. Hope I can get them working too!

NH6HI's picture
Update on the update
Just successfully flashed another INTL Version of the BaseBox 5 and still no joy on either of the US Versions. Just for the record, I'm using a windoze7 machine to do the flashing. Should I expect different results with a linux box? Again, I saw in the forum that it is supposed to work on the US Version. Any way to put the INTNL version on this box?

US lock
"This lock is not removable" however it is only read and honored by the original MikroTik Router OS, not the OpenWRT/AREDN firmware. One thing you might try is to revert the questionable nodes to RouterOS via the Netinstall application on the Mikrotik website. The process is the same, hold down the button, etc etc, follow directions on their site. Then once that is running update the firmware on the radio. This can be done on Webfig (http to the device) or Winbox (window app for the device). Click System / Routerboard / Upgrade, and reboot. This will rewrite some of the lower hardware firmware and who knows maybe it was corrupted. You will see it go from 3.xx to 6.44.3 but it's not that big of an upgrade they just recently changed the firmware numbers to match the OS version. In reality there are very few firmware updates. You can also do a wifi-scan from within RouterOS and see if it hears anything like your neighbor's wifi. It will only hear regular wifi, not the Aredn nodes. If it's not totally deaf, reload the AREDN firmware and see if that helped. It is certainly possible you have a couple duds, or they messed up something when locking it for US. I've been through probably 50-75 nodes at one job and we did have 2-3 infant mortality failures over time; they are just sub $100 radios after all. But they should be under warranty... Grab the MIPSBE/6.44.3 (Stable) Main package, and the Netinstall 6.44.3 (Stable). Ian
NH6HI's picture
TNX for the info
Aloha Ian,
Mahalo for the info. I'll give it a go...
NH6HI's picture

Well my head hurts...I have 2 Mikrotik Basebox5 units that still won't behave. I've flashed 3 intl versions with no problem. I've tried everything I know to make these 2 work. 

Is there any of you willing to evaluate these for me. I'm willing to pay the shipping both ways. Sorry I can't promise a trip to Kauai.

I don't have any dummy loads for 5ghz and it is my understanding that they need to be hooked to an antenna before powering them up. I won't be able to send the antennas as it will be a fortune in shipping from Hawaii and back. 


AE6XE's picture
I can assist,  QTH address on
I can assist,  QTH address on qrz.

NH6HI's picture
Mahalo Joe

Appreciate the offer Joe. I'll get them out tomorrow. Wow, I was just in SOCAL. My sister lives about 20 minutes from you. I could have done an eyeball QSO and picked your brain ;>)  Do you need the power supplies and POE's?

AE6XE's picture
Only send the core devices. 
Only send the core devices.  I have everything else needed.

AE6XE's picture
Mikrotik Basebox 5 5MHz

Mikrotik Basebox 5 5MHz channel width failure

I received the basebox 5 devices from Jim NH6HI and was able to reproduce a Mikrotik failure seen before with hAP ac Lite devices on 2Ghz and 5MHz channel widths.  The BaseBox 5 devices also don't link with Ubiqiuti and sometimes with each other.  Using a channel width of 10MHz or 20MHz everything was working.



NH6HI's picture
Big Mahalo to Joe
Really appreciate you taking a look at these Joe. One interesting piece of information on these 2 Basebox5 units is that they are US Versions. All the other units I have (6) that are International Versions don't show these problems. I don't know if that plays into this issue but I bought the US versions from the link on the Supported Platform Matrix page. Just wondering if the same is true of the hAP ac Lite Devices. Do the International versions have the same issue? I have 3 US Versions of the hAP ac Lite with the afore mentioned problem.



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