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Netgear GS-105e Managed Port

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KD4RSX's picture
Netgear GS-105e Managed Port

I was getting an interference from a source on 147.585Mhz. When I unplugged the Netgear GS-105e the noise went away. John K4VZS had the same problem at his QTH with his Netgear GS-105e. We both tried different power supplies but nothing helped. I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this problem on any other frequency? The bad part about this is that this is our local simplex frequency we use.


I checked on my 105 and 108
I checked on my 105 and 108 and while I did see some noise, it wasn't anything I couldn't attribute to general cat5 noise.
Tried some ferrites on the cat5 and or power cables?  Solid rings are best, but snap on's work too; multiple turns, of course.
wa2ise's picture
I have a 105 and a 108 too,

I have a 105 and a 108 too, and I do hear RFI at that frequency near the area I have them. 

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